Volunteer Opportunities
Centralia Stream Team
Want to be a part of the solution to creek pollution? Join the Centralia Stream Team, which has focused their efforts on cleaning up and restoring their beloved community creek “China Creek.” The Centralia Stream Team generally meets monthly, the third Monday of each month from 6-7pm at Centralia Utilities. For more information please contact Andrew Elam (360) 508-7177 or email AElam@cityofcentralia.com
Grays Harbor Stream Team:
Do you know of a stream or river in Grays Harbor that needs improvement? The Grays Harbor Stream Team wants to hear your ideas. The Grays Harbor Stream Team is a coalition of students, educators, citizen volunteers, local agencies and non-profit organizations dedicated to the protection and restoration of streams the flow through Gray Harbor County. The Grays Harbor Stream Team sponsors tree plantings, stream clean-ups, beach clean-ups, invasive species removal, or some other hands-on activity. Contact Breana for more information: streamteam@graysharborcd.org